Sunday 11 September 2011


Planting tress is most essential to protect forests, environment and Eco-system.  To help reduce the environmental impact of cutting trees for timber, special plantations of fast-growing trees are planted, specifically so they can be cut later. When the trees are used, new ones are planted, making plantation timber environmentally sustainable, as no actual forest has to be cut down for it. In many countries, harvesting of  sandal, red sanders, teak and other timber plants from forests are progressively restricted. Plantations are an important potential source of timber to narrow the growing gap between supply and demand of such timber plants domestically or internationally.  

OCRSTP (Organization for Cultivators of Red sanders, Sandal and Teak Plants) is established to motivate individuals, firms or organizations for cultivation of valuable and precious timber plantations like Sandal (Santalum Album), Red Sanders (Pterocarpus santalinus), Teak (Tectona Grandis) and other timber plants. As a part of motivation, OCRSTP provides them guidance, training, supply of required plantation material, periodical supervision, marketing and extending our co-operation in very stage of cultivation from plantation to harvest. OCRSTP is the direct marketing resource for legally cultivated timbers in private patta lands. Enthusiastic or existing cultivators can be joined as members in OCRSTP. The organization helps to get legal clearances from the concerned authorities by the time of harvest of their plantations. Membership in OCRSTP is strictly limited to the individuals, firms or organizations who are the legal owners of their lands recognized as "Registered Private Patta Lands".

OCRSTP welcomes all interested growers of Red sanders, Sandal, Teak or other timber plants in to our united cultivators family to get maximum benefits from plantation stage to harvesting stage.

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