Saturday 27 September 2014

Malabarneem / Malabarvepa / Meldia Dubia / Hebbevu / Malaivembu saplings for sale

We are supplying very healthy plants of Malabarvepa / Malabarneem / Melia dubia / Hebbevu / Malaivembu saplings for timber growers. It is very viable project to opt by anybody having own/leased land. Cultivation period  from 6 years to 12 years will fetch high incomes by the plants. One can also plant them over the boundary plants around the cultivating lands.

In boundaries: 60 plants/acre.  As a whole plantation: 320-440 plants/acre required.
In high density short crop of 2-3 years: 1000-1500 can plant (App. yield: 40-50MT only).

Contact us directly for various sizes of the plants. PS: If required we'll provide you market or even buyback as per our terms.

Melia Dubia - Malabarneem - Malabarvepa - Malaivembu - Hebbevu is a Money Spinner Plant for everybody.

Money spinner
Melia is a money spinning tree of short duration. Even if planted as a single row along the field bunds, about 60 trees can be planted per acre, which will fetch an income of about Rs.2 lakhs in the sixth year of planting.
“Since there is a total mismatch between demand and supply for wood and veneer, block planting of 300 to 400 trees per acre can ensure a minimum profit of rupees one lakh per year from an acre. 

Under good maintenance and controlled irrigation from sixth year onwards, depending on the soil depth and quality trees of 80 to 100 cm gbh with a clear bole of 5 metres height can fetch Rs.4, 000 at today's price (7 per cent escalation can be added per year for the sale price).
Intercultivation can be done with annual crops in the first three years and then spices such as pepper can be grown. 

Single row planting
Even if planted in a single row along the field bunds, about 60 trees can be planted at six feet spacing which will fetch an income of about Rs.2 lakhs in the sixth year.

- Article with curtsey:  The Hindu

Saturday 10 December 2011

ID: 0213020800000001 - Mr.SYED MAHMOOD HUSSAIN

Name of the Cultivator: Mr.Sayed Mahmood Hussain
Age: 40 Years - Occupation: Central Govt. Employee

Name of the plantation: Red Sanders
Date of Plantation: 24-11-2011
Number Plants in plantation area: 850
Plants supplied by: Pink Nurseries for Aromatic & Medicinal Plants

Location of the plantation: Sy.No. 64e
                                            Mallepally (V), Balanagar (M)
                                            Mahaboobnagar Dist, A.P.

Contact Address:  #18-12-418/D/58
                              Hafez Babanagar, KANCHANBAGH
                              Hyderabad - A.P., India Pin:500058

Contact Phone Number: 09032565218 / 08121569502